David Constantine's joint online launch for his translation A Bird Called Elaeus is now on YouTube. A film of him reading and discussing the book is on Vimeo.
9 Photomontage
10 Frieze
12 Prayer to the Ghosts
13 Moonlights
14 Franz Xaver Messerschmidt’s Todeskampf
15 The Mountains in the Mirror
16 Back There
18 Now This
20 The Ice Statues
22 The Jewels (Baudelaire)
23 The Nudist Beach that faces Leper Island
24 The Virgin, the Monk and the Girls
25 Lethe (Baudelaire)
26 ‘L’Origine du monde’ (after Courbet)
28 Finder
29 Helena (Heine)
30 The Woman in the House
31 Girl Walking Barefoot
32 Woman on a Swing
33 Women Waiting
34 Lorenzetti’s Last Supper
35 Cranach’s The Golden Age
36 Dawn, Noon and Evening (after Caspar David Friedrich)
38 Roman Sarcophagus
40 18 Via del Corso
41 26 Piazza di Spagna
42 Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, Antiparos, 30 July 1700
44 The Floor of the Ammonites
45 The Empty Lock
46 Bone-dry Night
47 The Winds
48 Prayer to Aeolus
49 Berlin 1990
50 Quatrains for a Primer of our Times
52 Children’s Crusade 1939 (Brecht)
58 Choruses for St Lucy’s Day
62 Three Notes on Lear
64 Pity
65 Nine Fathom Deep (after Gustave Doré, after Coleridge)
66 Melangell
67 Mornings in Maytime
68 Fishing over Lyonesse
69 On a Small Island
70 The Silence between the Winds
71 Lost at Sea
74 Seaweeds
75 Evening Primroses
76 Fishing
77 Owls and Foxes
78 Chatterer
79 Lilith’s Children
80 Horse Chestnuts
81 Hawthorns
82 Plum Trees
83 Mandrake
84 Elm Seeds