Joint online launch of Ravage is now on YouTube; Backlisted podcast recorded at Woodstock Poetry Festival on Basil Bunting's Briggflatts (with guests MacGillivray &...
Launch reading by Matthew Caley, MacGillivray and Abigail Parry
Matthew Caley, MacGillivray and Abigail Parry launched their new books on YouTube Live on Tuesday 21 November. Watch the recording on our YouTube channel now.
Wait to pull the oars, I think, pausing within the sea, my fire
softening deep surf, thirsts as the skin of the flames bend to my boat,
whose stern alights on salty marigold…
Blossoming, the sea rusts sanguine, hot,
bleeding out in memory of salt –
Coptic fire, and mule-lugged water-pots,
dual smoke-bound glass, unstable ore –
in-shore salt, that hard-wept women weep,
who lost their sense of death – lifeless – now
quietly entangled in the raw
seas’ undergrowth, float in tear-stained sleep…
‘whose fire is this?’ they ask. Nothing spheres
my sun-throat. ‘Whose fire is this, content
to pull, hour on hour, the oar’s small heart
through these waters’ crafty after-burn:
melancholy, plough the hard return?
Ocean pollen: equal gold received
equal blood, quelled tariffs, underworld
fire, pitch torches whose bitumen roared
obelisk. Embittered salt pyres burned:
whose soft chink of basalt flints revealed
lava chips scored, death shouts’ dry exchange,
counted out, volcano games transformed,
catafalques of knitted wind, marine
incense pans, junks, barges, coracle
dross, burnt ash necropolis, littered
jetty stones with salt-excising rites.
Death-stranded stars hemisphered the shore,
ship-camped waters burned sails for corpse shrouds
flared high in the air of harrowing
winds which changed course: the musk roses’ crushed
stems, limp with the rotted leopard bones…
air-fire rimed with salt, elicited
bold, honey-stamped chant, peculiar,
visceral, the pulse of ancient curse…
‘whose skiff is this?’ they ask, ‘passing us?’
Boneless, this reversed ship, sternless, skinned
on rocks of death. Heart-pressed, listless, this
broken nautical, unfit box, this
compass, fitted to Aquarius,
aligns with revoked charts. So the black
spine of the wolf, chined with absent bone
under wind-ruffed fur, belonging, knows
sparks shear the stern as I track on out,
flinted into deadened waters, numbed
by oil, pooling petrol – cigarette
and can, volatile – cast off to hell,
roaring. Wild-cat occident conserves,
flame-licked this core of a subtle shell,
or quieted the boat’s smooring ear
moves up the rise of the pebbled path,
white-green, strewn with cold stones, greenish as
fire-mollusc, the prickling salt of dream:
two women, drowned, drowning, question in
fire, air, sea and sand storm, burning doubt
and luminescence both: sea clenched, watch
their wild stars float, smashed shells, broiling blood,
turbid vein of stubborn, violent mood –
dreams, my keenest sense has dulled: absurd
to touch, sight-flared, beach on accident.
Beaded to my flame’s antipathy,
salted to my taste’s telepathy,
lion, leopard, wolf: their old, disturbed
wood lies underwater wild in a
paperwork of air, stars hard-observed:
watermarked in fire, salt lights their blood.
II Celestial Metre: Wounded Hermit Pentameter
* * | * * | * * | * * | * *
Wait to hear the wind, I think, pausing within the room, my torch
brightening deep gloom, bent as the skin of the steel bends to my light,
whose glow ignites a smoking marigold…
Make of the wind’s darkness in this mirror’s
flashing return, helixes of cold fire.
Brilliant, creased glyphs hide in these flour sacks –
hessian’s rough touch of these erasing
figureheads, marooned on my sand-stabled
death-rites, are for nulled messages, reduced
ashes in circumferences of ash,
doubled, undone: quiddity of lost flame.
Night, in which trapped desuetude builds thought.
Charred sphere, the watch-tower, whose light now wanes,
caught by the lighthouse cross-wise itself, dies
clockwise, in time. Moonlight is the cold sea’s
wise mirror drowned, washed up with the old tides,
lozenge of steel, solitude, glass: wind-flared
sight-line whose flash, flash, is my last fine-tuned
deity, rubbed down in quick-sand’s rough fire.
III Celestial Metre: Wounded Poet Tetrameter
* * * | * *
Apparatus Sculptoris
* * | * * | * * | * *
Wait to hear the star, I think, pausing within the woods, (its light
mirroring deep soil) wait as the skin of the note bends to my lyre,
whose songs ignite as burning hieroglyphs…
Ravage my heart, my flesh-strung lyre,
winter-lithic star.
Wooded, the falcon’s slowed wings beat,
weighted with loud flame.
Cold, your fire has passed:
scarlet, wind-held notes
harsh now, in dead code –
coalish, fire-scarred, re-
pulsed: an arc taloned in sound by
eagle-wild dry tongues.
Far out of your star-
scored air, a pale dust builds its nest.
Occult Orion wears out his
distant, replete, star-forced kisses –
belts to the tongue: breath
less. Fold up now, heart:
dead, penitent lyre.
Contents List
11 Note on the Text
13 Introduction by MacGillivray
I. Optik: A History of Ghost Kristján Norge, 1950 (ms 1.01)
II. Ravage Kristján Norge, 1961 (ms 1.02)
48 Mirror of Hope: Articulate Smoke
49 I. Port nam Marbh
51 Mirror of Smoke: Articulate Flame
52 II. The Charred Arrow Shaft
54 Mirror of Flame: Articulate Heat
55 III. The Star-Ravaged Co(r)pse
57 Mirror of Heat: Articulate Fire
58 IV. الجبھة (Lunar Mansion X)
60 Mirror of Fire: Articulate Wood
61 V. Sequences for a Tariff
62 Mirror of Wood: Articulate Charcoal
63 VI. Knightless
65 Mirror of Charcoal: Articulate Animal
66 VII. Sump
68 Animal Mirror: Articulate Trial
69 VIII. Meat Spirit
70 Mirror of Trial: Articulate Recall
71 IX. Taghairm
73 Mirror of Recall: Articulate Hope
74 X. Legere
SPECULUM RETRO The Dead Reckoning
78 I. Celestial Metre: Wounded Boatman Decameter
81 II. Celestial Metre: Wounded Hermit Pentameter
82 III. Celestial Metre: Wounded Poet Tetrameter
83 IV. Celestial Metre: Wounded Lion Pentameter
85 V. Celestial Metre: Wounded Wolf Pentameter
86 VI. Celestial Metre: Wounded Knight Trimeter
87 VII. Celestial Metre: Wounded Gypsy Pentameter
89 VIII. Celestial Metre: Wounded Demon Decameter
90 IX. Celestial Metre: Wounded Centaur Hexameter
92 X. Celestial Metre: Wounded Angel Tetrameter
III. The Lighthouse Papers Kristján Norge (acc. 1.01)
95 ‘An Aerial View of Hell’: typed first draft poem by Kristján Norge
96 TRAN-Quil-Ity: typescript by Kristján Norge
100 ‘Optik’ typescript by Kristján Norge
101 Notes on ‘Optik’ typescript by Kristján Norge
102 Dante & Tarot Systems typescript by Kristján Norge
104 ‘Travails of a Spirit-Ravaged Skeleton’ typescript by Kristján Norge
106 Celestial Metre workings (Popular Star Atlas) by Kristján Norge
112 Eilean a’ Bhàis hand-drawn maps
114 Photograph of lion skin wristband owned by Norge
115 Photograph of MacGillivray’s ancestors crofting on Eilean a’ Bhàis
116 Photograph of a fortune-telling card used by Norge
117 Photograph of a slide of the Palatine or Alexamenos Graffito
118 Photograph of Norge’s polished steel shaving-mirror
118 Photograph of Norge’s Shetland wool knitting on bone needles
119 Photograph of written scraps from Eilean a’ Bhàis Lighthouse
121 Photograph of letter to Kristján Norge from Luce Moncrieff
122 Photograph of pyrographic writing
123 Photograph of pyrography set
124 Photograph of Sluagh sequence outworking
125 Photograph of Luce Moncrieff’s loom
126 Excerpts from Kristján Norge’s loggbok
IV. Additional Materials
131 Poet of the Underground City: essay by MacGillivray
191 Fear Eun Lota: essay by MacGillivray
V. Appendix
199 The Wind of Voices: based on the diary of Luce Moncrieff