JH Prynne Poems 2016-2024 reviewed in The Guardian & The Telegraph
JH Prynne's Poems 2016-2024 reviewed in The Guardian, The Telegraph, Sidecar (New Left Review), Litter, The Poetry Review, Overland & Rain Taxi. Books of the Year 2024.
Eyes burning like owlets reaching filmic
attention, shadow across the face of outpost
plummet capture. To keep a head warm into
see more, quick-quick not yet seriously in
dark enough, lovers both wrapped. Alembic
clip these flicker lids filament iodine they
part into shield lucid plane, wield in front.
Did you complete assembly by slot marks in-
distinct for a brief plume staying, these
all inaugurate habit, now then. What will do
open work heart temper to gut, lights burn
brim to surge or wave a crass suiting fore-
shore. Hold fast to dial while opt readiness
candour, next blips their night-cry mounted
in socket trim, hot white partition cryolite.
All Such to Life
from Or Scissel (2018)
All such to life consuming
as all were true
in air passing and lifted
besprent with dew
Nor lavish nor in unison
even at the shore
for giving its world over
for this and more
By leaf turning, its colour
so clear to find
in itself its fond allure
to love assigned
Such voices set fiery
within, and through
the field of folk unwary
in shape as true
To Them
from Of Better Scrap (2019)
It is however for to love and other care
in the day of flight, each one of when
turn to look and long given, under fair
prodigy out hand by level share placement
there first before, certain advocate sign
lapwing ever flutter. Eye forward be proof
to find, pair leaning way gate of truth
to on hold attach deep shoulder vivid or
rick on wave, admit. Damper by warm lee
pensive, in view cherish for sake better
back exchange bright glow evince shadow
be steady beseem conviction if in both
reachment. Already where in turn over
gaze deflected already understood, in-
version of promise returning, mutual to
search as implicit fortunate in both
out of shade yes to steady assented, to
guarantee. The other way too, if across
to weft liminal, glance to favourite
anticipate loyal spread craving truly
outreach. In truth, again as there will
predict to soft entrancement, hold out
topmost praise filling, aware. As your
wish will of to both, awash and seem
in known held shore-line, rustle back
and over by turn of love sentence told.
Known it is, across forth pattern trust
relinquish to claim opportune glimpse,
fair brow loft carried, raised between
lift to them and them as for now most.
In First Tuft
from Passing Grass Parnassus (2020)
So be it bell bee lift medick black reliquary
fumitory cloven zigzag agree proud bee scout
provoked teasel, we’d hawk orange sleeping
licit brighten maybe buck past night eye win
shadoof arrested honour honied gathered thorn
apsidal mantle; bee better supple wax oddment
reside around torment until tillage phrasing
candour in first tuft. Will to be absconded,
bit over frugal step foot bird gibbous seek
to wade speed sweet braid brigantine western
grass-wrack oh willow lighten one obol fescue
half scruple rueful strife lost foil sunken
flag yellow alchemic, well to speed, spelling
alex and erstwhile milder dewfall flow gentle
vernal enjoy unravel, glove wolf to foxy off
must to travel figment worth welsh popularise
astonish crop to stretch. Stitch, worshipful
dropwort walking basset mallow elbow winding
ill-met crane billet chalk hill, fugal would
sorrel sorrowful meadow scented entreat sweet
fasten shaded if rift, listed thrift on hold
bed strewn mown tufted edgeways led by nature
hardly felt, the kind you are, square spear
new-mint tway robert herb blood fortune meet
fate hay rattle settle; white bryony bees
terse creeping wrack grapple miller dusty.
from Snooty Tipoffs (2021)
Music in the ice-box, music by the sea,
music at the rice-bowl, for you as well as me;
swinging from the rafter, after time for tea,
ever-present laughter, in sweetest harmony.
Carol by the window, anthem at the door,
mostly out at elbow, as two and two make four.
Swing low you kiddiwinks, all for vroom and groom,
going for a run now, off to Montana soon,
just whenever get there going to be immune,
going to as able be a dental floss tycoon.
Cruising for a snap-chat, joking in the snow,
quicker with a back-pack, ever on the go.
I told them we’re running on empty,
it seems like we got a flat tyre,
just like our old dad Humpty Dumpty,
rising up high on the wire.
Broken window, arms akimbo,
the bollards flash up all night through;
forsythia spatters, see how it matters,
want to sit down, then take a pew.
Fake fur ready for, furious oddly at sea at sea,
the captain at mid-town distraction
was never a raptor for me, for me.
Many hands make lighter work,
abandoning their task,
you get the cheeky answer pat
before you even ask.
Dirigible invisible multiply escrow,
if you won’t tell forever then we’ll never know;
orphan distortion all rose to the skies,
in portion aversion to smother the prize;
ah pink hood that is good, two lovely black eyes.
This dullard lies over the ocean,
his head-set is full of debris,
he’s lost in his fried-up contention
with nothing for you or for me.
Row row watch the stoat,
floating down the stream,
many frowns of gleaming teeth
all for you alone.
Very quickly bring the pumpkin,
we shall eat it with a dumpling,
that’s a treat won’t make us sickly,
sing this song alive-o.
Then we’ll have a dish of marrow
farced, delicious; pie to follow,
the whole feast for us tomorrow,
sing this song alive-o.
Contents List
Each to Each (2017) 9
OF · THE · ABYSS (2017) 23
Or Scissel (2018) 35
Of Better Scrap (2019) 67
None Yet More Willing Told (2019) 143
Parkland (2019) 161
Bitter Honey (2020) 195
Squeezed White Noise (2020) 207
Enchanter’s Nightshade (2020) 251
Memory Working: Impromptus I-XXVI (2020-21) 269
Her Air Fallen (2020) 297
The Fever’s End (2020) 305
Passing Grass Parnassus (2020) 329
Aquatic Hocquets (2020) 355
Kernels in Vernal Silence (2020) 373
Torrid Auspicious Quartz (2020) 383
See By So (2020) 395
Duets Infer Duty (2020) 399
Orchard (2020) 411
Otherhood Imminent Profusion (2021) 417
Presume Catkins (2021) 427
Athwart Apron Snaps (2021) 435
Efflux Reference (2021) 443
Dune Quail Eggs (2021) 455
Lay Them Straight (2021) 459
Shade Furnace (2021) 465
Snooty Tipoffs (2021) 477
Sea Shells Told (2022) 543
At Raucous Purposeful (2022/2023) 551
Latency of the Conditional (2023) 571
Not Ice Novice (2022) 585
At the Monument (2022) 593
Foremost Wayleave (2023) 631
Hadn't Yet Bitten (2023) 653
Timepiece in Total (2024) 679
Alembic Forest (2024) 695
Bibliography 713
Index of Titles or First Lines 715