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Parch | Bloodaxe Books

Menna Elfyn


Menna Elfyn

Publication Date : 23 Oct 2025

ISBN: 9781780377544

Pages: 65
Size :216 x 138mm
Rights: World

In Welsh, ‘parch’ ( the ‘ch’ is guttural) simply means respect. But it is also the common word for a chapel minister (a ‘reverend’). Menna Elfyn’s collection explores the many ways in which respect can be expressed, as well as how our world can so often feel parched of simple kindnesses.

The poems offer a voice to those whose liberty or dignity have been undermined, seeks religious, linguistic and cultural tolerance for all and does not shy away from the effects of (in)humanity on our environment, histories and lives.

Glimpses of parch in action reveal the best of who we are. Humour found in difficult times, solace in shared grief or steadfast defiance in the face of oppression. Following many years of campaigning, Menna Elfyn is moving towards her own sense of resolution as the Welsh language is now accepted and respected as an official language in Wales. For the first time in a Bloodaxe collection, she has translated or written many of the original poems in English and describes herself as a ‘proud bilingual’.

Menna Elfyn shares Herta Müller’s belief that ‘holding one’s own language up to the eyes of another leads to a solid relationship, a relaxed kind of love’. This distils the essence of Parch: respect as refuge; the triumph of compassion over conflict.

'Menna Elfyn is a major figure in contemporary Welsh poetry, writing exclusively in Welsh. A true internationalist, her work has been translated into over eighteen languages. Her most recent bilingual collections in Welsh and English are published by Bloodaxe. Elfyn writes about the intimate and every day, the natural world and about women’s experiences, always able to transform her awareness of the small, and the beautiful, to the affective and often, then, the political. Her voice is challenging and compassionate by turn, unafraid of joy, and full of the energies of community, offering through the power of language, truth, consolation, and possibility.' - Deryn Rees-Jones, co-judge of the Society of Authors' Cholmondeley Awards 2022

‘If there is a poet addressing important issues about language today, it’s Menna Elfyn in her latest collection of poems, Bondo (Welsh for ‘eaves’). There’s no tub-thumping in the book though; the poems are a quiet call for the reconciliation of diversity, a reminder that cultural nuances are what make life meaningful.’ – Carla Manfredino, Wales Arts Review

'Menna Elfyn is the firebird of the Welsh language, bright, indomitably modern and as undestructible as the phoenix. She gives hope to all writers in lesser spoken languages that great things can rise from the ashes.' – Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill

'Elfyn is a poet of healing…both compassionate and celebratory. Like a soul doctor she questions and probes, like St Teresa she endures the darkness, but in the end she sings a song which affirms that flawed humanity is indeed perfectible.’ – Katie Gramich, Planet


Menna Elfyn: 'Handkerchief Kiss'

Menna Elfyn reads her poem 'Handkerchief Kiss' / 'Cusan Hances' in English and Welsh from Perffaith Nam / Perfect Blemish: New & Selected Poems 1995-2007 (Bloodaxe Books, 2007). The English translation of this poem is by Joseph P. Clancy. This film is from the DVD-book In Person: 30 Poets, filmed by Pamela Robertson-Pearce, edited by Neil Astley, which includes four poems from Perffaith Nam / Perfect Blemish read by Menna Elfyn in Welsh and English.


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Menna Elfyn


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Perfect Blemish / Perffaith Nam

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Perfect Blemish / Perffaith Nam

New & Selected Poems 1995-2007 / Dau Ddetholiad & Cherddi Newydd 1995-2007

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Menna Elfyn

The Bloodaxe Book of Modern Welsh Poetry

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