Pascale Petit's joint online launch for Beast is on 22 April & in-person launch is in Exeter on 14 May; she's reading at Cambridge Literary Festival 24 Apr & Lyra...
Launch reading with Pascale Petit, Vidyan Ravinthiran and Dis Poetry by Benjamin Zephaniah
Join Bloodaxe for this online launch for Pascale Petit's Beast, Vidyan Ravinthiran's Avidya, and Dis Poetry: Selected Poems & Lyrics by Benjamin Zephaniah. Live on...
Scaffolding shrouds the western façade, as my taxi
passes Notre-Dame. I have come to meet you again
after thirty-five years, Papa. Men clean the limestone
with brushes and lasers, millimetre by millimetre.
Each time I come, more is revealed, as if they
are working hard to make you clean, while you
lie on your sickbed, gasping for breath, your lungs
charred as the burnt rafters of a cathedral. I have thought of you every day of my life, you say.
Your face, when you speak, shines like marble
through the scaffold of your oxygen mask.
Only after you die will I see your features clear,
as if centuries of grime have been scrubbed
from the colossus of your body, all history erased.
I think of the unspoken, his airless room,
the words my father coaxed from his lungs
with the help of oxygen. The suitcase I found
on the shelf above his bed, with its jars
of mummified occupants, how I unwrapped
the photo curled around each hummingbird couple
like a sarcophagus, the smell of honey
mixed with formaldehyde, and how, when I prised
the male from the female, their throats
glowed like embers just above slit chests.
I saw it all then – a boy with his slingshot
in the forest at dawn, his hands pinning
the hummer’s wings, the penknife slicing
through its narrow breast, its tiny heart torn out –
still beating, hot on my father’s tongue.
The Lammergeier Daughter
That night, I opened your wardrobe and found
a trophy of vultures, their necks pierced
by hanger hooks. I saw at once
that you hunted everything I loved –
the griffon, the Himalayan, the lammergeier,
who haunted our home with wheeling cries.
I peeled off my skin then, and robed myself
as a bird bride. Veiled in morning mist
I married the sky. Of course, you aimed
at my heart, but as the bullet tore through me
I wrapped my talons around your skull,
lifted you high, and dropped you as a lamb
drops newborn from his mother
onto the snow-fleeced earth.
I landed beside you on the quilt.
And when the flesh-eaters had done their work,
it was I, your lammergeier daughter,
who devoured your bones – look, Father,
how they slide down my throat like rifles.
I asked if I could leave the Earth
but no one answered.
I looked in the mirror and one side of my face
was fighting the other side.
My mouth was a pit into which they threw the dead,
my teeth the rubble of bombed buildings.
There was a word for what was wrong with me
but no word for the troubles on Earth.
I saw that my lashes were barbed wires
that would cut anyone who looked into my eyes,
my eyes that pleaded to escape.
Contents List
10 The River
12 Oxbow Lake
14 Catfish
15 House of Puberty
17 Concert for Motherhood
18 Dumbo Octopus
19 Monkey Muriel
20 My Book of the Dead
22 Portrait of My Mother at Six Weeks
23 Maman
24 Western Façade
25 Skinner
26 Hummer
27 The Lover’s Bed
29 Kisser
30 The Insect Father
31 To a Botfly
32 The Pelts of Animals
34 Pale-winged Trumpeters
35 Vial
38 On Longing
40 The Lammergeier Daughter
41 Civet de Cerf
42 Papa Guêpier
43 Choker
44 After visiting the Museum of Doors, Pézenas,
46 The Frozen Zoo
48 Bac du Sauvage
49 Ode to Causse Méjean with Takhi Horses
50 Chemin des Rainettes
51 The Beast of Vaccarès
53 Courses Camarguaises
54 The Tarasque Tattoo
56 Camargue Bull at Dusk
58 Hide (Emperors and Egrets)
60 Ode to the Camargue
62 Hide (Mosquitoes)
64 Hide (My Birth)
65 Letter to Muriel
69 The Walnut Tree
70 Maman Argiope
72 Hide (Red Crayfish Claws and a Glossy Ibis)
73 My Mother’s Provençal Dress
76 Tala Zone
85 I asked if I could leave the Earth
86 A Mother Sings
87 What Eagle Saw
88 Butcherbirds
89 Salt Bride
90 Beauty
93 The Moor Horses
95 Galloway Bull at the Waterhole
96 Roebuck
98 Ode to a Cornish Hedge
100 Song Thrush
102 Swallows
104 Murmurations at Roughtor
105 Beast of Bodmin